Monday, 12 September 2011

Want To Start Your Own Restaurant? Here's How To Do It


Owning your restaurant can be very rewarding, fun, and profitable. However, it can also be the exact opposite - disappointing, grueling, and costly. In order to give yourself the best chance of succeeding, you need to start your own restaurant the right way. To do that you need to make sure you have enough money and you also need to have a thorough business plan.
The first thing you need to do once you decide you definitely want to start your own restaurant is to find a mentor. You want a mentor who owns one or more restaurants that have been successful for quite some time. This mentor should be willing to help you. That way your mentor can help you put together your business plan and will also be able to help you know how much money you're going to need to make a successful go of it with your restaurant.
Usually it takes an average of about one hundred thousand dollars to three hundred thousand dollars just to get your restaurant off the ground and running, and if it's a smaller type of restaurant or eatery such as fish and chips shop then it would probably costs around fifty thousand to start running. That includes everything from acquiring the proper licenses all the way to buying the china and silverware for eating. But beyond that initial cost you also have to plan to lose money (or perhaps barely break even) for the first two or three years. Sure, sometimes a restaurant hits it big right away but usually a restaurant doesn't start to turn a profit until two to three years have passed.
In order to help yourself be as successful as possible, you should make a very detailed business plan. This plan needs to include everything from how you plan to run your business to how you plan to make money and attract customers. Your mentor should be able to give you a lot of help with making a business plan. Again, you want it to be very specific and include everything right down to what food you want to serve and how you want to serve it. Basically anything and everything should be in your business plan. Then when you have it all finished your mentor should approve it or suggest changes that need to be made.
If you are looking to start your own restaurant then you don't want to do it on your own. You want to find a mentor - someone who has been very successful in the restaurant business - who will help you get everything started and then continue to help you for a couple more years. This mentor should be someone you get along well with and someone who is more than willing to help you every step along the way. Once you have your mentor in place, then you can go ahead and make a detailed business plan and you can also figure out how much money it will cost you to start the restaurant and then keep the restaurant going for a couple years. With a mentor and a good plan in place, you should be able to make your restaurant rewarding, fun, and profitable.
Discover the secret elements in a restaurant business plan that banks, grant issuers, and other investors look for to give you the money you need. Learn from a real restaurants owner Jeff Pierre on how to start and run a successful restaurant. Go to [] for more tips and strategies on your very own restaurant.

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