Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Can You Have Dessert With Breakfast?


We ate at The Woodland today. A trendy hipster diner down on SoCo. Nice green interior and even a tree inside. I had biscuits and gravy, side of sausage, side of two eggs scrambled. Steph had the "Morning Wood." Two eggs over medium, tater tots, sourdough toast, sausage and bacon. The Morning Wood is two eggs any style plus 4 selections from a fairly long list of sides though it didn't include gravy for the biscuit or pancakes so you'd have to order them separately.
The biscuits and gravy we excellent. The gravy was homemade ( not from a box ) and they broke up the biscuits for you serving it in a bowl. And it was seasoned well so no need for salt or pepper. Very traditional flavors. The scrambled were good, off the flattop style. A little on the done side with just the right amount of browning on the bottom. You're not going to get runny eggs here. The sausage seemed homemade. It was on the lean side with just enough spice to give it a kick but certainly letting the pork flavors shine through. Overall I'd give the meal an excellent rating though you pay for it. $6 + $3 + $3 = $12 for my meal.
Steph said her over medium eggs were almost perfectly cooked. She likes them just to the point of not being runny which is very hard to get right. These were as close as she's gotten in Austin. The sourdough toast tasted homemade and fresh. A little chewy, as you would expect from sourdough, but still had that crisp crunch on the toasted side. The tater tots we just from a bag but they were crispy and not at all greasy. The bacon was good too. A standard cut with plenty of flavor. It reminded me of the Black Label my Dad would buy when I was a kid. The Morning Wood was $13 bucks.
On to dessert. Can you eat dessert with breakfast? Well, it was after noon so we went for it. A slice of pie. The crust was homemade, thin, flaky and crisp. The filling.... Wait for it.... A peanut butter cheese cake topped with a nice thick layer of fudge. It was delicious.
Add a couple of drinks and tip and we got out of there for a little under $50. A little too much to pay for breakfast but it was good and we got to see guys in plaid western shirts with lots of tattoos... Oh wait, that was Steph's eye candy...
I like to eat, drink and be generally merry for a grumpy fat man in Austin, TX. I'll talk about restaurants I've tried, food I've cooked and drinks I've ordered. Take it for what it's worth. You can find me at http://www.boldtalkfromagrumpyfatman.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6527624

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