Tuesday 13 September 2011

The Benefits of Soy Milk


Soy milk is the end product of the soya beans when ground and mixed together with water while continuously heating it. It originated from China ages ago and has reached its neighboring Asian countries like Japan, Korea and Malaysia. They have been using soy milk for centuries in making their dishes and staple food, the tofu, and some of them have even included it to their original recipes to enhance the taste. A lot of Americans are already using it today but others are still in doubt. They are always asking these questions. What are the benefits of soy milk? Is it really as beneficial as it claims to be?
Why Do People Use Soy Milk?
Debates regarding the essential benefits of soy milk are rampant these days. One of the leading reasons why people use it is simply because it's a vegetable. We all know that vegetables help us in our digestion and it's a very important source of fiber. Another reason why people use it is that the nutritional content of this type of milk is higher compared to that of a regular cow's milk. It does contain fat, but it's lower compared to the other product. People also use it because it can be made at home and the ingredients are not that expensive. All that is needed is a little patience and in a matter of hours, you can have your fresh glass of soy milk. What's even better is if you have your own soy milk machine which makes the preparation faster and more convenient than not having it. One more reason why people use it is because it is lactose free. It does not hurt the stomach of those people with lactose intolerance so they are free to have it and use it as a substitute for regular milk.
I think that the ancient Chinese people made a very wonderful discovery and invention of the soy milk. Who would have thought that milk can be derived from vegetables? People ages ago believed that milk can only be found in cows and nowhere else. With this product, the lactose intolerance people have been given the chance to enjoy the taste as well as the benefits of a regular cow's milk. The benefits of soy milk are even better compared to its constituent. Those who don't have problems with their digestion will also agree that this milk is good for them and most especially for those who are health conscious and who are vegetarians. I know some vegetarians who still crave for dairy products. What they do is they substitute the soy milk and make delicious dishes out of it, even ice cream. Not only that, unlike the typical kind of cow's milk, this one can be made at home and the children can even help their mothers in the preparation. With the use of a machine and proper instructions, even the kids can also prepare it for themselves.
After learning the soy milk nutrition, you might consider adding soy into your daily diet. If you want to learn more soy related topics, you can check out is soy milk good for you for your own benefits.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6554653

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